
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Mentor

Diction: The Mentor's words that he selects are words like tampering, incompetents, profiteering gluttons, and criminals. These words all have something in common though, They all label a human being. I found this interesting because he hated being called something he wasn't representing, yet he went back at them calling them names they don't want.

Syntax: The author has a simple format but it's really effective. He has this statement "Damn kids" and "they're all alike" then turns it into something powerful by accepting that they are all alike which I was not expecting at all.

Tone:  The author's tone was frustrated because he was pulling out insults like Juan pulls his earbuds in class.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Conscience of a Hacker

I think finding something you like as long as you are not trying to hurt anyone. I think it's fine, but if they are going to get money illegally like stealing money from banks or stealing identities.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Why is the world more sensitive?

If you don't know about the era of useless protest, I can tell you people are fighting about the dumbest things ever. Ironic that I am arguing about people's arguments on why they should bring the McRib back on the menu. Seriously It's a thing! It was so bad that people started flooding the streets and overturning cars, they made bonfires in a mall atriums, the funniest moment of this was that Mcdonalds said: that the sandwich would return and it was only a marketing gimmick." In the article, found about this situation of adult babies throwing a fit for not getting sweets was someone muttering "oh, my bad."

There are many protests that are valid as the people's climate march in September 2014, or like the women march which had over 3 million people! These aren't perfect of course but they have a reason. For example the women's march, they wanted to show that women's rights were also human rights. I'd like to say that the women's march is the biggest one-day protest in U.S history, way to go women!

Another thing I'd like to say is jokes. There are racist jokes out there that people will call offensive and will accuse someone of being something they are not over a joke. Famous Youtuber Felix Kjellberg was reported to be an anti-Semitic, over a nazi joke. I won't go to into detail, but he made a joke about "death to all jews". It was a joke but people started calling him a nazi, it went as far as Disney to cut ties with him. He learns from this mistake and moves on, but think about it. This little joke, this tiny little statement almost ruin his career. It wasn't right to say but I don't think it shouldn't go as far as ruining someone's life because they made a little joke.

Websites I used:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Does video games cause violence?

Hello readers, today I'm writing with the intention of being understood, I feel like what I'm talking about is very controversial and sensitive.

There has been a recent erupted of accusations if video games caused violence. There have been many atrocious shooting to where the murderer was linked to first-person shooters or any game with shooting "someone" that resembles a human being. In Germany, there was a disastrous shooting in the city of Munich, 9 people were killed. There was a report on him being a big fan of first-person shooters. This might of been the cause of why he did it, but nor was it the reason he did it. There could've been other things in his past of why he did it. Movies, Social Media, Music, even school.

The question I ask is, why isn't there more shootings if video games cause violence/lead people to kill another human being? There are over millions are millions of people who play Call of Duty, Gears of War, Overwatch, It's ridiculous that people are blaming video games for the horrible events the others cause. The most popular video game is a kids game. Think about that for a second. The game that everyone is talking about is a kids game. The game is called Minecraft, is a game about you being spawn in a world and you try your best to survive. You can build, Mine for resources, Travel around your own world, and so much more. It's a video game with a beautiful community, yet video games as a whole are being attacked.

Furthermore, these shootings are atrocious and should never happen. It hurts to see innocent people die. What I think is leading to all these shootings is mental health, I don't believe and never want to believe someone wanted to shoot a public crowd just because they wanted to. I'd love to hear what other people think especially when we are making the same mistake we did years ago. Only blaming one group of products or people. There could've been a rough childhood. I'm not saying video games have nothing to do with this, but I do think they can be a reason. There are many other reasons and I want people to understand that.

Entitled to your opinion

You are not entitled to your opinion.  Citizen always want to be right even when their answer is solely based on opinion. Example is food, everyone taste food differently.  You might think something Is better than what the other person has but you know their opinion is the truth for them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The right to your opinion comment

Knowing you rights is important, it's a protection so people won't say something like "you can't say that, that's illegally."

Socratic comment

It would be most useful to when other are not seeing your point of view, At the same time some people could be stubborn and not get the idea other than that this could be very effective.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Welcome to my blog

Hi, my name Daniel Araiza-Ruvalcaba. This will be where I post blogs from my daily life, and what I learn or want to talk about. I like soccer and volleyball, I've been playing soccer since I could remember and volleyball in freshmen year of high school. I want to become a history teacher in the future or maybe a voice actor.